
Showing posts from March, 2023

Easy Cat Ears Hair Tutorial!

  Hi everyone, 💖Kawaiicute💖 here, Today I tried cat ears hair! What do you think? I think it went pretty well...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ...

Gyaru and...Feminism?!

  Hi Everyone,💖Kawaiicute💖 here. Happy Women's Day! Today I want to share my reasons for being/doing gyaru. Why? I wanted to share the feminist messages behind the style, because they are a big part of the gal "vibe" - and are often forgotten.  When I first saw photos of gals online, I was drawn in by the cute dresses, bold colours and my melody accessories - but gyaru is SO MUCH more than that. The original gyaru icons created and wore the style to reject beauty standards (specifically Japanese beauty standards at the time, of being pale - skinned, pure, no makeup etc.). They wanted to wear gyaru despite pressures and judgements from society. (many were seen as "Sluts" or "Ugly" because of their short dresses and makeup!) Gals faced (and still face) many setbacks. One of these gals was Buriteri.  Ganguro icon Buriteri and her friends showed us that body positivity  and feeling happy mattered more than pressure to conform. Even after (as the ganguro ...
I'm Too Scared to go Full - On Gyaru!  Should I  go for It?   Hi, Everyone! It's 💖Kawaiicute💖 Today is my first (hopefully useful) post to all the new gals out there.  This is one of the most common questions newbies or interested people ask- so, what do you do? It can be tough starting out as a new gal, especially if you're worried about other people's reactions (Me too, at first)! But Gyaru is all about feeling confident in yourself - if you feel great wearing gyaru makeup and clothes, you should keep going!  So, tip #1: Go for it! Make that decision. So, what next? Find your style: There are so many gyaru styles to choose from, depending on what you like!  ~There are some examples in the cute pic below~ 💝Tips💝 Save photos of your favourite gyarus as inspiration What kind of clothes do you already have? Maybe you can decide on a style that way? Don't buy gyaru brand items unless you're sure that you'll stick with the style - otherwise you'll end ...

Intro Post

Intro Post Hey Everyone! It's  💖Kawaiicute💖 I'm a  Gaijin Gyaru, and my main styles are Himekaji and Kogal (Kogyaru). I've been into gyaru for about 3-4 years but have only started wearing gyaru  about 2 years ago. My biggest inspirations are gaijin gals Lizzie, Sui and Nanako. In the future, I want to be inspiration for other gyarus, because I remember how hard it was to find old school Himekaji inspo when I first became interested in gyaru. Join me on my gyaru journey for tutorials, outfit inspo, advice (and some of my biggest gyaru life fails😅).  See you in the next post! That's all for today! 💖Kawaiicute💖