Gyaru and...Feminism?!

 Hi Everyone,💖Kawaiicute💖 here.

Happy Women's Day!

Today I want to share my reasons for being/doing gyaru. Why? I wanted to share the feminist messages behind the style, because they are a big part of the gal "vibe" - and are often forgotten. 

When I first saw photos of gals online, I was drawn in by the cute dresses, bold colours and my melody accessories - but gyaru is SO MUCH more than that.

The original gyaru icons created and wore the style to reject beauty standards (specifically Japanese beauty standards at the time, of being pale - skinned, pure, no makeup etc.). They wanted to wear gyaru despite pressures and judgements from society. (many were seen as "Sluts" or "Ugly" because of their short dresses and makeup!)

Gals faced (and still face) many setbacks.

One of these gals was Buriteri.

 Ganguro icon Buriteri and her friends showed us that body positivity  and feeling happy mattered more than pressure to conform. Even after (as the ganguro boom continued), they went from star to shunned. The media wanted to depict them as "dirty" (when it took them hours just to do their makeup)- still they kept going.  Even after passers-by would say things like "how sickening!" to their faces as they walked - they still kept going. Eventually, Buriteri decided to stop, because the pressure was getting to her and she needed to study (she was a college student). She didn't go quietly though - the then-final issue of EGG magazine had Buriteri (as a barbie doll) on the cover, screaming like her life depended on it!

In fact, the name "Yamanba" comes from the fact that haters (sometimes random people) would call these gals "Hags" or "Yaman-uba", after a hag from a Japanese folktale. These attempts to make the style less popular failed, though. These gals didn't give up- they reclaimed the name and made it beautiful. Or better still, powerful.

Even today, GyaruO's (non female identifying gyarus), challenge the stereotype that "gal is for girls" , through simply being themselves. Although it is admittedly a very small community, I hope that, with the introduction of magazines such as "men's EGG" and features in "Gal VIP" it will become more popular within the gyaru community. We support you, GyaruO's! (Want o learn more? Blogger HellolizzieBee has a post on "Day in the Life of a Gaijin Gyaruo" - check it out!

These (and many other) gals promoted body positivity and self expression! Next time you see a pic of a Yamanba gyaru and think "cute" or "no" or "blackface?" - rethink!

And that's all for today! Happy Women's Day and see you in the next one!




Intro Post